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Post-surgical Rehabilitation

Just had hip, knee or shoulder surgery?

These three joints in the human body are the most common when it comes to requiring surgery. Surgery is usually a last resort when other conservative forms of treatment have failed or not produced the desired outcomes.

After your orthopaedic surgeon has operated on you, recovery management begins as early as Day 1. For example for a total hip replacement , patients are usually encouraged to walk (with assistance) after they have awoken from surgery. With shoulders however, the patient is often immobilised for a period after surgery. Each joint has different post operative procedures, and it is imperative for your Physiotherapist to be familiar with them.

How long will my rehabilitation process be?

The answer in broad terms is months, not weeks. Each orthopaedic surgeon or neurosurgeon will have their preferred techniques which will also impact the time frame of rehabilitation.

When should I start my rehabilitation?

This depends on the body part, procedure performed as well as the surgical techniques used. As a general rule of thumb, rehabilitation should begin whilst you are still in hospital, prior to discharge. Your surgeon will often advise you on when you should start your rehabilitation. This is a very important question that patients fail to ask.

What should I expect with my post-surgical rehabilitation?

You should expect that your Physiotherapist will assess you, clarify any questions you may have regarding your procedure, and offer you a recommended treatment plan which includes the frequency of treatment and overall timeframe.

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